>> Tuesday, November 11, 2008
选课的时候都是把西马的大学排在前面。我和死党们也在纷纷的讨论念什么和去那里念。他们个个都很怕来西马的样子,没有一个把西马的大学排在首选,连那PNGK 4.00的好友也选择在沙巴大学完成她的经济教育系。其实我的首选也是那科,第二才是现在拿的。可是我不是怕来西马,而是在于考虑要拿特殊教育还是我可以应付的经济学。我把命运交给上天安排。
第二年。。。 已经有点习惯了,只是放完假回来宿舍的时候会哭。一进房门就感觉到冷清清。有点像从皇宫被打入冷宫的感觉!
第三年。。。还好了,因为跟朋友的感情越来越好了。可是有时还是会感到一丝丝的寂寞和孤单。就很像昨晚,又哭了!哈哈!我很爱哭哟!男朋友都说我是"哭包"--〉很爱哭的意思啦~ 昨晚身体有点不舒服,突然间很想被人疼,被人关心,被人照顾,被人呵护。。。有人给我撒娇~这些不是谁都能给到的。我希望从某某人的身上得到,可是他忙于工作而没有理我直到夜晚。我对他说他的关心已经太迟了。他听了很伤心,他说他的工作也遇到不开心的事,心情也不是很好。突然觉得我很坏,不体谅他!对不起。。。可是我真的觉得好孤单寂寞才会那样。只要一封关心的信息我已满足了。幸好上天掉了一颗小幸运星给我,他给了我很多的关心,是我觉得不那么的寂寞了。谢谢~
有时~飘洋过海也不是一件好事,有时我感到有点后悔当初的选择,怀疑当初的抉择。可是,死党们,认识了你们,我觉得是值得的。谢谢你啦公公,你跟我的性格很像,所以可以聊很多,也很照顾我。谢谢你了,公主陛下,你是我们的开心果呀。只要伤心的时候想你傻傻的样子就会笑啦。谢谢嬷嬷,你每次的心情大变,都使我学会控制情绪。谢谢我的ngiik ngiik,谢谢你每次煮的温馨餐和听我诉苦。谢谢我中学以来一直陪伴我长大的你们,尤其是跟我一样名字的死党,我们无话不说,两人的性格相似度达到90%。。。哈哈!
0_0surprise here got see certain person.
现在就有你好受了~不要告诉人家你是我的xx!!!(装不认识)(变脸)>Q< blek!!!!!dare u say my scream irritate!!!!!
haih~~~so kelian...now jz i understand.haih....if i so long cant back home sure ll very very miss home,cry every night....but u nvr show tat frnt us mean u ody very strong la.gambateh neh!
is like tat lo,dun blame urself la, to maintain relationship need to speak out jz ll realize ma.he need to care u and u oso need to care him.
hohoho~actually who know me de oll know i dunno to take care and concern ppl d. yup...i admit tat u and dof more the time ar alike.know to care bou ppl. on tz world need more ppl like u ol. me is d COOL type so dunno tz de gua~~~~among u ol i oways look like alien so...hehe....kepelbagaian ma.
recently i want to be another staill dy,dun want laugh too much, acne more and more banyak dy.laugh until hormon disorder.so, dun make me laugh o ~-v-~
第一年,你发生的事我可能不会吧!因为我是男生。但我知道我小时年幼儿园的时候,我哭了两天。想回头好羞哦。所以我都能理解。第二年,的我想我也会有同感。第三年,我没有comment! 但我觉得正常。 不必这怪自己。哇!星星也能关心你噢?真不可思议。但如果是真的,那那星星一定是我栽给你的。因为如果我能栽下星星也是很不可思议。哈哈,我希望不可思议的东西会发生在我身上。哈哈!!!想太多。
只要不是犯罪我想我们就要坚持自己的决定不要后悔。好吧你认识了那么多朋友就证明是值得得了。加油吧! 你谢谢的人也真多,但你的男友你忘了对他说谢谢。哈哈哈!但我想最后赶走你寂寞的人该是你男友吧?
哈哈,你说你妹三八?我也认同的。而且她非常搞笑的。有时她一开声说话,朋友跟我都会笑到滚地。尖叫还好啦,不是很严重!还可以鼎的顺!hoho... 公主,不要怪我跟你哥爆料!
Nice to meet you.
erm.. You so bad lah.. Got good go go also want pretend don't know him. If my brother is like that then so good loh. But my brother is older than me 5 years, so got little communication gap. Especially his friends too. No topic to talk with.
Erm.. you can go back hometown easily leh. Just car, me still need to go back by aeroplane. Then go back one time expenses so high. No money.
I won't cry in front of friend de. I will try to stand, if can't just will cry in front of you all. But til now, I think I still not yet do like that.
Wat?! Are you sure you are cool type? Why I can't feel that? I just feel that you are sot sot only.. wakakakakeke... pls admit that lah. And sometime u really will shout irritate as what you brother said. LOL..
And then.. i'm not an alien! I am 100% human being.
Who tell you laugh more will get acne and make your face oily oh? I think is the Clinique product not ngam you maybe.
Haha..Lily...Yea, time flies right...During the time to choose which course I wanted to enter took me soooooo long o...Yea, blame that how come i am in this uni, but later on, I realise that this is good enough so that I can go back and visit my parents more often which I dun practice it now ever...*_^ too busy dy bah...**
During my first year, I feel so home sick as well cause the later my life, I realize more things and I wanted to be with my family members plus we all not that close...
2nd year a...hm....you and clair then me and ys closer bah...But we used to mix with the people who loves to ride horses..=)(*U know what I mean kan*)and be in the same group with them cause don't want to be said we are clicking bah...
3rd year we all closer and really CHUN la!!I love the life now...And 3rd year la that makes me fall in love in this field where I suddenly get the idea out of nowhere that I can become someone else besides teacher!!hahah....to be more spesific is 3rd year 1st sem bah..
Gals, really really thanks for the hard work and effort you guys putting in in this friendship..=) GREAT having you all as my besties...=) Haha...Lily is the person who has the more alike frequency with me *even our parents**wink*...
Princess~ she has her own way of thinking which sometimes really interesting!!And the important part is what she says sometime is quite reasonable...Hehe...Thanks alot princess for all the advices and the sense of humor you brought to us...Really will miss all these days when we graduate...**Haha.a.even though we still have 1 and a half year to go still** but terasa ma...=Phahahaha....
Girl, do feel free to find us k...princess and me are there for you..!! as well as princess k, nideLIly and dof dof will be with you as well..=P
我已经在我的friendster's blog谢谢他了。
hehe...there is another person to join us in BIM and KTBM talk dy lily...=P huhu~~~
1046 : Yea, there are 2 types of Sign language being used in MY..Hm..I should say is one sign language and the other one is just a hand code..=)
For communication sake, (other than schools) , the deaf community are using the BIM or so called MySL and for those students entering the school or in school, they will have to learn KTBM because the exam will be conducted in BM..=)
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